Sound healing is not making noise, it’s making connection.
— Dr. Toni Sorenson


Whether you meditate, pray, or need 45 minutes to completely quiet your mind, this is a space where you can do so.

How often do you take 45 minutes to close your eyes and just breathe?

Through constant vibrations and rippling soundwaves, our intention with a Sound Bath is to provide a full-body stimulation, and help you find a place of pure bliss. It can assist in awakening your body’s natural healing systems, as well as gently de-stress and restore the mind.

Sound Bath Session (subject to change)

  • $25


  • $75


  • $115



  • Similar to music, a Sound Bath incorporates different percussion instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, chimes, rain sticks and much more, to stimulate deep reflection.

    Unlike music, there is no melody or rhythm. Instead, you experience and ‘bathe’ in a perfectly, imperfect harmony.

  • Each of our Sound Bath sessions is 45 minutes in length. Trust us, it is worth it, and you may wish it went a little longer…

  • How you experience a Sound Bath, varies from person to person, and sometimes session to session. Furthermore, maybe sleep is what was needed…

    If your eyes seem to get heavy, and you wish to stay awake, we recommend quietly adjusting positions during your bath.

  • You may come as you are! There is a mat reserved for you during your bath.

    We do recommend bringing your favorite, cozy blanket for comfort and/or warmth, and if you prefer, a small pillow for your head to rest on.

  • We ask that you come dressed comfortably. Loose-fitting, breathable clothing is recommended.

  • Yes, thank goodness…

    There is free parking in the rear, as well as metered street parking.

  • Given that our studio only has 5 mats, and we sometimes have a waitlist, anytime 10 hours prior to class time, you can cancel at no charge!

    After that 10 hour mark, you will be charged a late fee.

  • We highly encourage you to arrive 15-20 minutes before your session begins.

    Please understand that this is a sound-sensitive environment. Late arrivals will result in a disruption for those who arrived on time, and may already be deep in relaxation. Just make sure you’re here no later than 5 minutes or you’ll be charged a late fee!

    A no-show is charged the full class amount. If you purchased a pack of classes, one class will be deducted.